
from day one, riel’s parents showered him with an overwhelming amount of love, to the point where they sought to suppress the volatile spirit within him, intending to shield him from its existence for the remainder of his rich and blissful life. this wrathful spirit remained confined, trapped within the recesses of his mind, until he reached the age of eighteen. on that fateful day, as riel dozed off at his desk while diligently working on his school assignments, his chin slipped from its perch atop his hand. his forehead collided forcefully with the desk, producing a resonating noise that reverberated through the air, echoing so powerfully that it dislodged the dormant spirit from its captivity.

from that point forward, riel’s life took a dramatic turn for the worse. the spirit within him, unshackled and untamed, manifested its aggressive nature, frequently altering riel’s moods and instigating episodes of rage and violence that were so intense he often found himself locked away in a dark solitude until his emotions subsided. days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as riel struggled to find a way to control the spirit that now coursed through his veins. until one day he appeared on the university steps with a new name and identity. now he is one of the university's "best" professors. . . except he is in fact the laziest. absolutely no one could tell how he got himself to this point. one movie can fill up class time while he’s scrambling for premade tests from online resources. and somehow he was recognized as a great professor… a mystery of a man.

pretty stoic when his mouth isn’t open, but easygoing once a conversation is started. can be lazy and forgetful. ambivert. a little awkward and silly but may sometimes come off as aggressive, cold, and easily agitated. will always say something weird. and will play piano concerto no.2 op.18 on any instrument.
nsfw & byi
switch, verse. dom lean. hard/extreme kinks including blood & light gore. no trigger warnings. uses stoplight system. nsfw only with chemistry. selective multi.
admin is 23 ooc and a full time college student. replies will be sporadic. multi fc: seungwoo of victon, hwiyoung of sf9, actor lee jaewook. other accounts: vampire countess, persocom